Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Meu muito obrigado em Português

É chegado o grande dia! Reconheço que estou mais feliz no meu retorno ao Brasil do quê na minha vinda para Trinidad e Tobago. Esse país maravilhoso foi muito proveitoso tanto para meu crescimento profissional quanto pessoal, isso porque família, amigos e nacionalidade são melhor entendidos e amados quando estamos longe das nossas raízes.

Quero agradecer em Português a todos que de uma forma ou de outra têm me ajudado na realização de mais um sonho, em especial a minha família, meus amigos e a todos os alunos que acreditaram nesse projeto. Próxima sexta-feira estarei chegando a minha pátria amada Brasil, que Deus abençoe a todos. Muito obrigado.

Pierre Pessôa.

Pierre Pessôa

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

‘The Mystery of the Runaway Ghost’


I read my third book in English last week! When I was in Brazil, I had already read two books in English; one of them is the classic: ‘The Little Prince’. However, when one book is been reading in a native English country, the atmosphere helps a lot.


The book that I read was: ‘The Mystery of the Runaway Ghost’. It tells the story of four brothers who used to live alone in a boxcar. Now they have a home with their grandfather, and they are trying to catch a runaway ghost! When they visit their friend Fran, they can’t wait to hear her tell the story of the runaway ghost and about a treasure. The runaway ghost is a cow which was painted for a mysterious artist. No one knew that the picture of the cow had been painted by the most famous artist, so the painting was really valuable. After solving a riddle, they help Fran to sell the painting  and she solves her financial problems.

                This book was created by Gertrude Chandler Warner. Though  the book was developed to teen I enjoyed reading because its vocabulary is easy to be understood.  

Pierre Pessôa

Three years...

I love you!!!

I ate cuscuz in Trinidad!

                Before I left Brazil, I thought that I would find the same corn flour that we use to make cuscuz in Trinidad. Unfortunately, this specifically kind of corn flour is found only in Brazil, so if I had found “cuscuz’s corn flour ”, I wouldn’t have had this food abstinence. Fortunately there is an “angel” called Candida who is studying with me in the English Course. Coincidently, she is from Pernambuco too. She had brought “fubá” to prepare cuscuz in Trinidad, so she did the kindness giving me one bag of this precious food!

             I couldn’t believe that I was making cuscuz in Trinidad, I was so happy that I forgot to take a picture of this fabulous moment. Even though I don’t have any picture to prove that I really ate cuscus, believe me: I did it!

Pierre Pessôa